Saturday, April 21, 2007

An aperitif.

Something about deodorant will be forthcoming soon.

But in the meantime: something old. Circa 2002. And revisited a bit since then.

And. As the style is not entirely my own. I should note: This stems from a writing prompt -- an imitation of the short shorts of Thomas Bernhard's Voice Imitator.


Anonymous said...

sometimes i find dreams to be more pleasant than reality; or they are nightmares.

which is why the very american goal of "fulfill your dreams" simply leads to, well, nightmares.

unless dreams and nightmares are the same in one's world: then life is made of simple, yet banal, pleasures.

but perhaps banality would be nicer than living life as if it will actually be extraordinary, not just in dreams, but in reality.

Anonymous said...

i remember doing these short shorts in your class. that was a lot of fun, i like this whole flash fiction genre. i really enjoyed writing in this style. and i really enjoyed this one that you wrote.

you're pretty cool.

Jenn said...

isn't an aperitif a drink you have before a meal?