Sunday, August 14, 2005

A shaky beginning.

So my initial post (from several months ago), which was essentially a list of paradoxes, now becomes something less (one thing less, actually). No longer will the first post be the last. A shame, that is. Such a pleasant biblical phrase I, in turn, stole from Dylan.


The sun is streaming through the big picture windows in my living room right now. The soft light turning the eggshell-white walls golden makes me feel as though this moment has been designated as a new beginning. It's also reminding me of the $230 energy bill my roommate opened this morning. It's also apparently freaking out the spider that's been dangling from a thread ( weird) outside the window for about 4 days now. I would knock it down to its seven story plunge of a death (I have no moral compunctions about killing spiders, sorry folks), but I can't reach it from the terrace. And I've sort of become a bit attached to it. Now that the sunlight is freaking it out it has begun to shake back and forth and creep along the glass at a rather incredible speed. I've just now decided to name it Shakes -- like the guy in that movie that movie. But don't get me wrong, I'd still kill Shakes if I could -- my hypocrisy only goes so far.


I was saying. A new beginning. I think this might be one. I hope so. I need one. Start afresh (I never know if that's a word or not, but I like it). Need to figure out where my life is heading. What my future will look like. More on that later. For now, I think I'll read a book. A literal beginning. If not new, as NBC (I think) used to point out in the summer, at least new to me. And that will have to be enough for now.

May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
-Bob Dylan

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