Sunday, August 21, 2005

Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.

First of all, a special prize to anyone who knows the first line that completes the quotation I've used for my witty quip of a post title. And an extra special something to anyone who knows where I first came across this lovely little witticism.

Now then. This post should be read in conjunction with the previous post about Tivo. (Actually, you really should be reading all of them in order. I know it's a complicated scroll-bar process, but it's worth it. Trust me.) Because I ended that post saying that while I should have been reading, I was clearly going to watch the Gilmore Girls. (By the way -- interestingly, to me at least, the aspect of this blog that has gotten the most attention has by far been the references to the Gilmore Girls.) That statement, though true, was -- unbeknownst to you all, which isn't your fault, but mine -- slightly ironic. Because over the last few weeks I have gradually rediscovered my love for reading. I have been able, on several occasions during these weeks, to sit down and read for several hours at a time -- something my relatively-addled mind has prohibited for quite some time. And all without the added comfort of Adderall! (Disclaimer: I've never actually used Adderall or other such drugs, though I have considered it, and at times it has been suggested -- not by anyone with letters after their name though.)

I've rediscovered the worlds you can enter through the pages of a book! I've even found myself thinking, while watching -- on separate occasions -- tv and a movie (in a theater, no less!), and I quote, "Books are so much better than this." Books! Better than movies! Just imagine. If you can. All the people. Living for today! Now. You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one! People are still reading! (Mostly self-help books, books for Dummies and Idiots, and the latest installment of "when will the little wizard get body hair in new places?" -- but still!) And I have re-entered this brotherhood of man. And I hope someday you'll join us.

Now. While this may not seem earth-shattering to you -- the huddled masses avoiding the storms of your lives beneath the rain-soaked pages of my humble blog -- there's another layer of this onion yet to be peeled away. The reading I have been so diligently set upon completing has been (drumroll?)...for work! Now then. Talk about earth-shattering! This revelation may mark a new epoch of light in an otherwise procrastination-darkened worldview. Perhaps this will be the year that I don't fall behind in my work. (Or at least not more than most people.) Perhaps this will be the year that work comes first. (Or at least close to the top of the list.) Perhaps this is the year.

I gotta say. It would be most excellent timing. What with work. And applying to school. And then school. And such.

Perhaps this is the year.

And with that, I'm going to go read. To avoid going to a school year kickoff party with colleagues that I really don't feel like attending. It doesn't start till Tuesday. You can't cheat and start it on Sunday just because it's a party. That's not fair. Give me a break. I've got reading to do.


Anonymous said...

"Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend." That's the part that comes first. For some reason I know that much, but not where I've heard it. And much less where you heard it. But what's my prize???

Anonymous said...

You all saw it on the poster in the WERCS! or was it the WERCS+?! yeah, i think so... Do I get a prize too?!