Saturday, March 31, 2007

Audience participation.

So. I have this list. It's a list of things I want to write about. Briefly. Like blog posts. Some of them fit together and some of them don't.

I also have another list of sorts. It's more like a collection. A collection of fragments. Bits worth revisiting.

I've included some items from both lists below.

I know there are only a few of you out there who read this blog at all regularly. But I wonder if you might comment on which you'd like to see expanded. And then I'll do my best to oblige.

So, here, then, is my offering.

(1) Deoderant.
(2) The number '9.'
(3) I dream, on occasion, of tragedy. [a beginning to something, i think]
(4) The concept of 'play.'
(5) The word 'interesting.'
(6) we sat with a crossword and/ she inked words i was unsure of--/ soon, i took the pen from her and/ as my correction marred the puzzle/ she said: you can still make me cry sometimes.
[an ending to something, i think]
(7) The letter 'e.'
(8) Milk.

And with that, I await responses. Do your damnedest.


Anonymous said...

All of them, eventually, but in this order:
4 (depending on which meaning of the word, this deserves a higher or lower spot. I'll let you be the judge)
1 (but only if you continue to misspell deodorant because I think it's charming when you show a very rare lapse in typing/spelling/whatever but if you go and edit that before anyone else can see i will punch you)

Jenn said...

i agree with "all of them eventually" but i've got a different order.

6 (have you ever done something mixed media?)
8 (vegan thing)
3 (i want this one to be amazing. can you do that with a side order of fries?)
7 (the ap math test's in a month. the letter e on it's own makes me panic.)

Anonymous said...

i agree with the first two comments that i would love to read about all of these.

and i also strongly agree with jenn that i would like to see 6 come first. because i love what you have so far, and i know you have a fantastic beginning brewing.

the rest in this order:
4 (this could be a lot of fun)
7 (i happen to enjoy the letter e. my name has two of them, it's good fun)
8 (i don't really care for milk)

Robert Zwirner said...

3,4,5 and 8 are the same thing. Check out Aristotle's Poetics for further explanation. Deodorant has jumped the shark - there's nothing more to be done with that technology. That leaves 2,6 and 7 and, frankly, I don't want you to write about any of them, because I have a short I've never shown anyone that uses a crossword puzzle as a cipher for an abusive relationship. Vanity aside, though, it's got to be 2,6,7: the square of the divine triad, the relentless irrelevance of the crossword, the ubiquity of the alphabet's fifth letter (there's a Judaic angle to pursue there, too, if you're so inclined), it all adds up to good thinkin'.

GLensch said...

Only because you asked--

Write about the thing that seems most compelling to you or the topic that's been on the back burner the longest and finally needs to be written. Who cares what people vote for?

The topics may all be ways to start writing, but they aren't what the piece will be about. Each choice means something to you that it does not mean to us. This is my not answer to the question.

P.S. If you write about milk, I don't think anyone who has ever read Morrison's Song of Solomon will think about milk the same way as people who haven't. That might color or add clarity to the direction of your writing.

Anonymous said...

i vote play and deodorant.

Anonymous said...

6, 1, 3, 8.

(that sounds like a cheerleading cheer.)

Rebecca Michelle said...

Deoderant, tragedy, your conecept of play and contrary to Robert's interpretation I assumed number 6 referred to tears of joy and not distress so curiosity has set in about that one. The rest are not ideas...9, e, and interesting are cop-outs. Prove me worng ;)