Sunday, January 21, 2007

A brief throwback post.

Apparently the porn industry, innovative as always, is dealing with high definition issues sooner than is Hollywood. And HDTV is proving to be something of a mixed blessing for these leviathans of lust (giants of the jerkoff? pharaohs of facials? titans of tinsel tassles?).

Opponents suggest high definition porn might not be what the doctor ordered (presumably on pay-per-view). Regular definition might be more flattering, these people suggest. (These are, I would think, the same pooh-poohers of authenticity who insist on turning the lights off.)

Proponents argue the high definition images allow viewers to feel even more a part of the action. (Notably, this is really the same argument made for HD Hollywood movies and HD sports broadcasts. Has a bit of a different feel to it here though.)

Still, even the champions of HD don't want pure reality. Using makeup, plastic surgery, new camera angles, and editing software (as well as the occasional switching of positions), these forward-looking (there's a joke there somewhere) porn magnates are taking regular purchasers of hard-core pornography closer to sex than they've ever been before (or, for many of them, ever will be), without losing the desired idealism to reality's highly-defined imperfections.

But as technology continues to improve, the cellulite and pimple problems will get worse. It will be up to these pioneers of...let's just leave it at will be up to them to make sure society's porn remains palatable.

In other news, a Cambodian woman has been reunited with her father after getting lost in the jungle at age eight and living as a wild animal for nineteen years. He identified her by her scars. And a man in Minneapolis has for the moment survived a sixteen-story fall out of a hotel window that ended with what I must assume was a hard landing on a first-floor overhang.

I suppose we all have our little problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble telling if your blog was a joke or not. However, I think porn is a big problem in our society. I don't think it should be outlawed, but I do think there is a tendency among people to become addicted to it.

Therefore I think high definition porn could be a good thing. Boys (and girls I guess) view porn from such a young age, and look at so much of it, that when they see a man or woman in real life they must be terribly disappointed. Perhaps reality would improve their attraction to actual women (or men) and allow them to have healthy, in-person, sex lives instead of only finding satisfaction looking at what they deem as perfection.