Sunday, November 19, 2006

Written in class one day in 2003.

See, folks. Religion was bouncing around even before CJHS.


Anonymous said...

(i want to say Yarden because it rhymes with graden (and is 'jordan' in hebrew).... but i thought you might get mad.... so i didn't.... but i sorta did. :))

this is the GRID poem?

it reminds me of the last poets song/rap thing "when the revolution comes" (excuse the insecurities.... it's in CO). but maybe only because "laid off and turned to lay-" (men) reminds me of "to realte or not to relate" which might be a bad reason. but i don't care.

this is my favorite poem of yours (i think, at the moment). it is witty. witty witty. funny. and also not at all.

like lots. maybe love. but like lots is for sure.


and there was not religion before CJ. what are you talking about? the conservative movement defines religion. DUH.

Anonymous said...

Adam means earth. And Eve means life. Does that mean without a woman a man is only dirt?

Anonymous said...

time for a new entry, methinks.