Friday, April 17, 2009

Sarah Palin's excellent adventure on speed.

The lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin spoke out at the National Press Club today. I think most of what he said is bullshit. But a couple of revelations are interesting. First, apparently campaign spokespeople seemed caught off-guard when asked about Bristol's pregnancy because they really were caught off-guard.

But far more intriguing (and scary) are the three questions that the McCain campaign thought ultimately determine a person's capacity to serve as Vice President:
* Why do you want to be vice president?
* Are you prepared to use Nuclear [sic] weapons in the defense of the homeland?
* Osama bin Laden is identified in the FATA, the CIA is ready to take a shot, but if they take a shot there will be multiple civilian causalities, will you take the shot?
Homeland? For real?

And, I don't know about anyone else, but when I read that third question I hear it in Dennis Hopper's voice (who of course adds a "hotshot" at the end). And I keep expecting Keanu Reeves to say "Shoot the hostage."
