About two weeks ago, a woman from my hometown wrote a letter to the editor in response to an op-ed piece that denounced our military's "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy regarding gay soldiers. You'll find her letter if you scroll to the top of the page. Then, to read the responses in order, scroll all the way to the bottom and read upward. Scattered throughout, you'll find three back-and-forth response rounds between me and her (if you care to look, that is).
A change of pace from what I generally offer here, but I thought it might be of interest. It is to me, anyway.
Here's the link.
Enjoy. (Or not.) And feel free to comment -- there or here.
UPDATE: My blogalogue adversary fired another volley (though the ammunition seemed to be blanks). I've sent in my response, but judging from past experience I don't think it will be posted until sometime Monday. Keep checking there or here for updates (if you care) (if you really care, I'll email you my response) (if I know you) (or if I don't, actually).