So. I have this list. It's a list of things I want to write about. Briefly. Like blog posts. Some of them fit together and some of them don't.
I also have another list of sorts. It's more like a collection. A collection of fragments. Bits worth revisiting.
I've included some items from both lists below.
I know there are only a few of you out there who read this blog at all regularly. But I wonder if you might comment on which you'd like to see expanded. And then I'll do my best to oblige.
So, here, then, is my offering.
(1) Deoderant.
(2) The number '9.'
(3) I dream, on occasion, of tragedy. [a beginning to something, i think]
(4) The concept of 'play.'
(5) The word 'interesting.'
(6) we sat with a crossword and/ she inked words i was unsure of--/ soon, i took the pen from her and/ as my correction marred the puzzle/ she said: you can still make me cry sometimes. [an ending to something, i think]
(7) The letter 'e.'
(8) Milk.
And with that, I await responses. Do your damnedest.